Draft Logo Design

This is my Draft Logo Design! To start off with how I got my inspiration, I want to someday own my own fashion business so I have already previously made my own logos. I love diamonds and the color pink so I knew that that is what I wanted on my logo, my nickname is also DD so I wanted to include that on my Logo design. I first started off with creating a rectangle with the rectangle tool to make the frame of my logo. I wanted the frame and background to be pink but making it all pink would be to much and it would take away from the actual logo and typography so I added the gradient tool so that the color wasn’t too much. I then began to create the diamond shapes with the pen tool, also to make it easier for myself and to make sure everything was symmetrical I used the Transform->Reflect tool. After I created both diamonds and made sure that they were all symmetrical, I went on to create the typography, my favorite font is Lucida Fax so I knew that that was the font that I was going to use. I didn’t want the font to be completely black so I changed the color to a dark grey. I placed the font by the diamonds on the lower part because I wanted the diamonds to be the main focus but also wanted the font to be viewed as well. After all this I noticed that the diamonds looked to plain so I used the pen tool once again and added color fills to add some color and dimension to the diamonds.


4 thoughts on “Draft Logo Design

  1. I think that your logo is coming along really well! I think that it is so cool that you have already designed logo ideas previously and are able to create them. I like how you added diamonds into the two larger diamonds. I thought that was a nice touch and added a special element to it. One suggestion I have it to make the background white and then add a gradient pink and white color to the two larger diamonds. This way they don’t get washed out in the background color. Another suggestion I have it to add an effect to make it look like the diamonds are shinning. I think it would have a cool effect and really grab the audience’s attention. In addition, it would make your diamonds look more realistic. Other than that, I think your logo is coming along very well! I like the color choices thank you picked and think that they help show your idea of fashion.


  2. Diana, this is a good logo that is unique. One of the things that you could do to improve this would be to move the “DD” farther away from the two diamond shapes. This would balance out the logo and bring more for the viewer’s eye to move around the logo. Also perhaps adding words for what the “DD” stands for to define the name of the business to your viewer. Another thing that you could do to improve this design would be to possibly move the gradient. You could maybe make it a centered gradient that radiates out from the center of the diamonds. I would also recommend changing the white to a lighter pink color. I do really like the Diamond shapes and how they come together in this design.


  3. I really like the pink gradient that i used and the diamonds that i made. After receiving my feedback I will replace the font and place it somewhere else where it is better balanced with the diamonds. I will also be adding effects to the diamonds so that they are better seen and pop out.


  4. Diana, you have a really good logo. I like the overall design of the logo and I think it is a good one for you fashion business. I also really like the pink gradient that you have going through the whole logo. It really brings the whole thing together. One suggestion that I have is to move the text to a different spot in the logo. Maybe under or above the design. The other suggestion that I have is to add a stroke or a border around the pink diamonds in the middle of the design. Right now they kind of blend together with the pink gradient in the background. Doing this would make them pop a little bit more. Other than those things I really enjoy this logo.


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